A fun Saturday in the shop, for everyone.
Our shop has three shifts. The day and night shifts are working five 12 hours days right now M-F. And my shift is currently working six 9 hours days M-Sat. And Paula is on 5 twelves but she is Tues.-Sat. So it is a strange arrangement, but it works. On Friday nioght at the end of the week for the ice runway crew, they bring all of the Snow Blasts that they are using to clear the runway into the Heavy Shop to thaw out for the weekend.

There are five of these that are run continuously from Sunday night at 6PM until Friday night at 6PM. They only shutdown for shift change, and refueling. So they get allot of abuse. And when we have them in the shop, we try to get all of the preventative maintenance done while we have our hands on them. Well with part of our crew off on the Black Island traverse we had to bring in some extra hands.

Paula spent the day working in the shop with me. It was fun to have her out there, and I am sure that she was very happy to get out from behind the desk for a day.

Our job for the day was to do a 250 hours PM check (Preventative Maint.) on a Grizzly Snow Blast. Shown above. The photos up top are of RPM Snow Blasts. We run 2 Gizzlys and 3 RPM's at a time. To give you an idea of the size of these machines, the RPM's have a 300hp Cat engine in them, and the Grizzly's have 439hp C-10 Cat. engines. The C-10 is basically a tractor trailer engine. So we spent the day changing oil, filters, fixing junk that was falling off because of the strain that the machine is usually under. And I was snapping photos of Paula while she want looking.

There are five of these that are run continuously from Sunday night at 6PM until Friday night at 6PM. They only shutdown for shift change, and refueling. So they get allot of abuse. And when we have them in the shop, we try to get all of the preventative maintenance done while we have our hands on them. Well with part of our crew off on the Black Island traverse we had to bring in some extra hands.

Paula spent the day working in the shop with me. It was fun to have her out there, and I am sure that she was very happy to get out from behind the desk for a day.

Our job for the day was to do a 250 hours PM check (Preventative Maint.) on a Grizzly Snow Blast. Shown above. The photos up top are of RPM Snow Blasts. We run 2 Gizzlys and 3 RPM's at a time. To give you an idea of the size of these machines, the RPM's have a 300hp Cat engine in them, and the Grizzly's have 439hp C-10 Cat. engines. The C-10 is basically a tractor trailer engine. So we spent the day changing oil, filters, fixing junk that was falling off because of the strain that the machine is usually under. And I was snapping photos of Paula while she want looking.
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