Camping, MCI's,Penguins, BBQ's and more...

Before I start, I want to point out that this post will be all over.
Well there is a fair amount of news from MacTown. First, Paula should be going to Happy Camper School this weekend. She is scheduled for Friday and Saturday. She won't be riding in the Nodwell. And unlike myself that slept in a Scott tent she will likely sleep in a snow trench.
We had another MCI training session today. (Mass Casuality Incident) Paula is the leader of the Medical Aux. and I am in the Med. Aux. as well. We did scenarios for Red and Yellow patients (Bad and Really Bad patients) and it looks like we have allot of people for Med. Aux. but most are Wildland CFR's or basic Red Cross first aid trained. And we had 3 other EMT's but Paula and I are the only two that have ever had a real patient. So the most trained person on the team is Paula, and the second most qualified is me and then down from there. Notice the steep decline in skills here? There are several medical proffesionals here and we are basically here to be assistants to them. Paula will fall right in with them due to her higher training, and the rest of us are just assistants. And we are having the big station wide MCI drill within the next week. And the only rumor is that it will be on Friday or Saturday. Enjoy camping Paula!!! But we don't know when it will happen.
Last years MCI drill was an explosion at the fuel pumps with people involved. So, when the Fire Department rolled up with two engines and an ambulance, they then recieved a structure fire on the other end of town. So, they had the MCI, Fire, Haz-Mat and lots of logistics. And for the winter over MCI drill, they had a MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) with 8 patients, and to make things interesting three of the patients we on the Red team of the Med. Aux. so they were down 3 people right away.
As I mentioned quickly before, I saw more penguins. This time it was three Adele Penguins. They are about a foot tall and they are histerical. They run around like they have no legs and they look like cartoon characters. We were within 150' of them.

See how their wings are up on this last photo. Those wings are useless, but the move 100 mph when they are running. That is the funny looking part.

Jamie, how do you deliver new Polaris ATV's?

That is how we do it in Antarctica!
Our shop will be having our first BBQ this Saturday. Just in time for my birthday! We have on a few times a year. We dug out the grills yesterday and let them thawout in the shop last night. We started cleaning them today. When your BBQ grill at home needs new lava rocks in the bottom what do you do? Go buy a new bag of them? Buy a new grill? Well when you are on an island that was formed by a volcano and there is no vegitation or top soil, you just go outside an grab some rocks. It's very easy.
I just returned from our volleyball league game. I am not on theVMF team, but Josh went to a science lecture tonight and I filled in for him. He is paying me with his allotment of Chocalate Chip cookies from the Galley tomorrow. We lost 4 games in a row, each time by 10 points or more. And we had 6 players to their 3 players. Needless to say they will never have any service done to thier vehicles.
Until next time.
The Holland Hardware Midnight Madness sale is thursday night,Nov 2. See you there about 9:00! Happy Birthday!
I hope your practice drills stay practice,Iknow your luck.
Jamie & Missy
Kate and Paul miss you guys. We take delivery of our new #8 next week and practiced with the new gurney - You two would love it - one simple lever and then up/down, up/down. Happy Birthday, RJ!
Hey Paula and RJ. Love the new post and the pictures of the penguins too! Oh and a very happy b-day from Jim, Sandy, Michele and Brian.
Oh and we were wondering if your original 6 month stay has been extended yet? Inquiring minds want to know..... LOL
Stay warm and keep those adventure stories coming. We are enjoying keeping up with all the going's on the Antarctic.
Jim and Sandy
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