Time for you people to do some work!
Ok, so Paula and I have chosen to live on a continent that can support no plant life, and is considered uninhaibitalbe to most. Well I have just realized that we will not get a chance to experience any fall colors, or at least until we get to New Zealand in March. So, it is time the "The Three Hour Tour's" first contest. I want everyone, or at least someone to send me their best photo of fall colors to airrj1@gmail.com I will post some of them and the winner will get a free chicken barbecue.

Mmmm, Chicken.
Actually this will just be one way to help keep me from going crazy. When may be a short trip at times. So don't plan dinner around winning this contest. And someone from F-P need to take a photo out the back window of the maple tree at Fireman's field that turns bright red every year. That was one of the memorable things about standing on the back deck during break time. That and all of Darren's hot air.
This week will be the first full week of the busy season here. We got our bananas yesterday and more fresh fruit at brunch today. Remember, we are 17 hours ahead right now, so when you are eating dinner on Saturday night, we are eating Brunch on Sunday. And soon you will be off of daylights savings time, so it will be 18 hours then. So since we are ahead of all of you (I have been saying that I am ahead of everyone for years now) if you would like the winning numbers for the lottery, please send me a cash advance of 5% of the possible winnings and I will get those numbers right off to you.

Here are more penguin photos. We likely won't have any this good again, so I will share a bunch as I get a chance.

And I have reduced the size and quality of all of these photos by allot for the internet. If anyone wants some full size copies (about 1mb each) send me an e-mail. I would be happy to send some along. I am looking for a easy way to post video and then I will try to post some action shots.
Time for me to go watch the end of the Austrailan V8 Tuner race. It ain't NASCAR, but then again factory V8 rear wheel drive road racing cars are much more interesting than NASCAR to me. And we don't get the Sabres games here, so racing will have to do.

Mmmm, Chicken.
Actually this will just be one way to help keep me from going crazy. When may be a short trip at times. So don't plan dinner around winning this contest. And someone from F-P need to take a photo out the back window of the maple tree at Fireman's field that turns bright red every year. That was one of the memorable things about standing on the back deck during break time. That and all of Darren's hot air.
This week will be the first full week of the busy season here. We got our bananas yesterday and more fresh fruit at brunch today. Remember, we are 17 hours ahead right now, so when you are eating dinner on Saturday night, we are eating Brunch on Sunday. And soon you will be off of daylights savings time, so it will be 18 hours then. So since we are ahead of all of you (I have been saying that I am ahead of everyone for years now) if you would like the winning numbers for the lottery, please send me a cash advance of 5% of the possible winnings and I will get those numbers right off to you.

Here are more penguin photos. We likely won't have any this good again, so I will share a bunch as I get a chance.

And I have reduced the size and quality of all of these photos by allot for the internet. If anyone wants some full size copies (about 1mb each) send me an e-mail. I would be happy to send some along. I am looking for a easy way to post video and then I will try to post some action shots.
Time for me to go watch the end of the Austrailan V8 Tuner race. It ain't NASCAR, but then again factory V8 rear wheel drive road racing cars are much more interesting than NASCAR to me. And we don't get the Sabres games here, so racing will have to do.
A few snowflakes have fallen in downtown Buffalo although it's not what I would classify as real snow. Snow is in the forecast for tonight.
It looks like real snow is coming down now. It won't be long before Buffalo looks like Antarctica!
It was snowing in downtown Buffalo today while I was at work...however when I got home in South Wales the sun was shining and the roads were dry! How does that happen?
I had a doctor's appointment in East Aurora at 4:45. When I left Buffalo it was snowing, when I got to West Seneca it was hailing and cars had spun off the Route 400 into the median. When I got to East Aurora it was sunny and there was no snow. Basically, the same thing happened in reverse on the way back. It was sunny in EA but hailing and traffic was to a total standstill on the thruway and it was still snowing in Buffalo. Don't you love lake effect storms?
Again, sorry to go off on the Lake Effect theme but the city of Buffalo is basically shut down today. I walked into work down the Metro Rail tracks (trains are running but infrequently) because the sidewalks are impassable.
R.J. - can my entry in the fall colors contest be a picture of a colorful tree that was snapped in half by heavy wet snow?
There is almost no one here at work today. I'm going to talk to some of my counterparts in Chicago & then get the heck out of here!
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