And the winner is...
Well thank you to everyone for participating in the 1st annual fall photo contest. Little did we know that it would include snowplows for some people. Here are a few of the entry's:

This wonderful shot was sent in by Gary. It is obviously a front runner in the contest, but he has more photo equipment and brains in his pinky than most people have in total; so he doesn't win. Plus he is a geek.

Dawn S. from Yosemite fame sent in this beautiful shot. Not a tree from the east, but that is not a part of the contest rules.

Cheryl sent in this shot of our old four wheeler. This proving that an eleven year old is smarter than Don Butcher. Even Matthew knows enough to ride a vehicle with four wheels in the snow. (Sorry I was guessing on the age and correct spelling)

Ah, Don. He used up all his brain power years ago, melting the hair from the top of his head.

Oldsmobile Dave got this entry in at the last minute. A very nice photo from Mill Road East Aurora. A nice place to be as long as you don't have to drink the water.

And the lone Fisher-Price entry comes from BobbyJ. As you can see Bob has chosen to display his colors in a different form. The red X. Just like old times Bob. I pick on you weather it is playing Halo or from 9500 miles away.

And here is a second entry from Brian Greeson. This one is much better than the first. Brian, didn't anyone ever tell you that Pine trees stay green? And FYI Brian there are several fish huts up on the ice now. I will try to get in one for another edition of the blog.
So as you can see the main outcome of the contest (not the original goal) is another chance for me to pick on people from Antarctica. I enjoyed it, and I hope you have as well. And it has been nice to see some colors of fall. Stay tuned, in March we should be able to send fall photos from NZ. (After re-reading my entry for today I have noticed that the only person I didn't attack is Dawn. And of all of the people that I have picked on, she would be the one to fight back the best. Sorry Dawn I'll try to be myself next time.)
And so the winner is:
Don Butcher
Anyone that is dumb enough to ride a motorcycle at the beginning of a state of emergency needs all the help they can get!!! Don, you can cook that chicken for yourself in May and then send me the bill. Contragtulations.

This wonderful shot was sent in by Gary. It is obviously a front runner in the contest, but he has more photo equipment and brains in his pinky than most people have in total; so he doesn't win. Plus he is a geek.

Dawn S. from Yosemite fame sent in this beautiful shot. Not a tree from the east, but that is not a part of the contest rules.

Cheryl sent in this shot of our old four wheeler. This proving that an eleven year old is smarter than Don Butcher. Even Matthew knows enough to ride a vehicle with four wheels in the snow. (Sorry I was guessing on the age and correct spelling)

Ah, Don. He used up all his brain power years ago, melting the hair from the top of his head.

Oldsmobile Dave got this entry in at the last minute. A very nice photo from Mill Road East Aurora. A nice place to be as long as you don't have to drink the water.

And the lone Fisher-Price entry comes from BobbyJ. As you can see Bob has chosen to display his colors in a different form. The red X. Just like old times Bob. I pick on you weather it is playing Halo or from 9500 miles away.

And here is a second entry from Brian Greeson. This one is much better than the first. Brian, didn't anyone ever tell you that Pine trees stay green? And FYI Brian there are several fish huts up on the ice now. I will try to get in one for another edition of the blog.
So as you can see the main outcome of the contest (not the original goal) is another chance for me to pick on people from Antarctica. I enjoyed it, and I hope you have as well. And it has been nice to see some colors of fall. Stay tuned, in March we should be able to send fall photos from NZ. (After re-reading my entry for today I have noticed that the only person I didn't attack is Dawn. And of all of the people that I have picked on, she would be the one to fight back the best. Sorry Dawn I'll try to be myself next time.)
And so the winner is:
Don Butcher
Anyone that is dumb enough to ride a motorcycle at the beginning of a state of emergency needs all the help they can get!!! Don, you can cook that chicken for yourself in May and then send me the bill. Contragtulations.
First, I'd like to thank the Academy for this award............
ok, in my defense, the sun was shining here when I left the house, and the weather report was only calling for rain when I last checked. And trust me, I still havent heard the end of this from my wife, children, or co-workers yet!
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