Sunday, October 23, 2016

McMurdo Season 6 - Day 21

Current Temp -8F Wind Chill -22F and Mostly Sunny

Got out for a short walk out to hut point the other evening after work.  For those of you who are not familiar, hut point is the point 1/2 mile from station where Scott built one of his huts to support his expeditions down here.  And it is just a nice easy walk when you want to get out of town.

Here you can see hut point from town.  In the foreground you can see clearly the outline of the Ice Pier.  In a few months there will be a ship docked there.  Right now it is the entrance to the sea ice for vehicles that are headed across the bay.

And here is the view back to town from hut point.  You can see the hut in the foreground here.  Also, the four large brown buildings on the edge of town are the Upper Case Dorms.  The second one from the left is where Paula and I live.

This shot shows the view looking uphill.  The dome is the NASA dome and it has a huge dish inside of it. I don't really remember what it is for, but I am going up there today to do a fire inspection.  I will get more info and post it later.

Friday night the Fire Department had training at the Helo Hanger.  We received training and familiarization on the airframes that fly here in McMurdo.

Then we got a good tour of the helicopters out on the pad.  The helicopters are operated by PHI and they have 2 Bell 212's and 2 Eurocoptor A-Star's.  The Kiwi's also fly an A-Star.

All of these photos are of the 212 and it is a direct descendant of the Huey that operated in Vietnam.  They are workhorses and carry up to 11 people and they also carry sling loads of cargo to the field camps regularly.

And Gary, if you are reading this, the 212's are equipped with an HF radio and the antenna is run along the tail of the aircraft.

Tonight Paula is taking a rec trip to the pressure ridges on the ice shelf in front of Scott Base.  I will be attending the trip, so hopefully I will have some good photos of that coming soon.

Talk to you soon.


Blogger SockyG said...

For the record, I am reading this.

6:58 AM  

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