Monday, September 26, 2016

McMurdo Season # 6 Day -8

Ah, the last day of football on the couch at home for the season.  At least the Broncos got a good win, and amazingly the Bills showed up today.  Three weeks in, but at least they showed up at some point in the season.  Things are winding down here with just 2 more full days before we leave for the Ice.  I have been finishing up several projects for friends and enjoying working in the shop while I can.  All paperwork for me soon.

We received our uniforms for the season on Friday.  Another nice little pile that we have to fit into our two 50 pound bags apiece.  That is the limit for the commercial airlines that we are flying to New Zealand.  And then once we are headed south to the Ice, we aren't limited on the number of bags, but we are only allowed 85 pounds, plus a 15 pound carry on bag.  So lots of stuff is needed for 6 months, and not allot of spare weight for other stuff.

Tomorrow is finishing up one last project and getting the shop ready for the winter, and some packing.  Then Tuesday is getting everything ready for winter and final packing.  

Thanks for following and until next time.



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