Ok, so this one is for Jamie. Aka, more trains.
This is a sign you don't see many places.

Inside the shop there was one of the Big Boy locamotives that was receiving boiler maintenance and some chassis repairs before the summer show season.

Paula and RJ's Excellent Antarctic Adventures
It is crazy the length of the list. Well, now you are up to speed as to where we have been lately. We are currently residing in an apartment just a few blocks from downtown Cheyenne, WY. Downtown isn’t too big here, so we are basically next to everything. We walk past the state capital building everyday. Plus all of the county, state and federal buildings as well. That plus the rail yard is 85% of what downtown Cheyenne is. It is actually the first time that I have lived in an urban setting (unless you count McMurdo, which is all of the noise of an urban area with none of the benefits) and this is just about the perfect sized city for me. There is just about everything you need from a city, just smaller, kind of like a light city.
Here are some photos of the apartment. It is basically a scaled up version of the RV. It has two rooms, the bathroom and the living/dining/bed/kitchen/front hall room. Very cozy indeed.
We are actually close to wrapping up or stay in Cheyenne. We can’t stand all of this sunny warm weather here, so we are headed west to the coast. We will be going to Bandon, OR on April 1st. Here we will be volunteering with the Oregon State Fish and Wildlife at the Bandon fish hatchery. I really have no idea what exactly we will be doing at a fish hatchery, but I agreed to do it because I can then pick on Brian Greeson about working at a fish hatchery as much as I want. Bandon, for those of you who don’t know your Oregon geography, is about 80 miles north of the California border and it is right on the Pacific coast. Our new digs will be about a mile and a half west of town and the coast. So we won’t be right on the ocean like we were in Russian Gulch last year, but we will be very close.
That’s all for now. Time to go work on my model cars that have occupied my time lately. Till next week.
Did I mention that it was 55 degrees in the middle of February? Very nice weather. So while we were in Rocky Mountain National Park we went for a good hike. Our destination was Cub Lake which is around 8500’ of elevation. We hiked for about 6 ½ miles and about 500’ of elevation. Not a bad little afternoon hike.
Where we were at was on the east side of the mountains and the weather towards the east was beautiful and clear and the weather up to the west in the higher mountains was looking very stormy which was interesting to watch. You will see the difference in the photos from the east to the west by the sky.