Wednesday, November 16, 2016

South Pole Station!!!

Current Weather -26F clear and winds at 14 knots.  Barometer is 695.0mb

I made it to the South Pole!  I am here for three days to review some hot work welding areas.  Yesterday's flight was good, and I have not done to bad with the massive elevation change.  My body is acclimated to 7600' normally at home, but I have been at sea level for 7 weeks, so all of that is gone.  And I went from 0' to 10,000' elevation in 3 hours.  Checkout the Barometer reading and if that doesn't mean anything to you Google what it is normally where you are, or ask Tom Hynson. 

Yesterday was a good tour of all of the main station and the shops.  Today I will be going out to some of the remote science buildings to check them out.  Also, as an added bonus, today is the C-17 airdrop at the Pole.  So I get to watch a C-17 doing low approaches and dropping cargo out.

I don't have time for photos today, so I will post them when I get back to McMurdo.  The internet here is from a satellite and we only have limited time each day while the satellite is in view.

That is all for now.  I just wanted to mention one more time I am at the South Pole!!!!!



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