Welcome to Fall
Well I don't think it is ever offical, but I believe that it is now Fall in McMurdo. Last Wednesday it was 35F and sunny and warm, like it has been since Nov. 15th. And on Thurday it was 18F overcast and 30 mph winds. Quite a shift for one day. And it has remained below 20F since then. So since there are no leaves on the trees, and no trees for the leaves to be on I am going to declare it Fall. And since the winter season starts here in about 2 weeks, it will give us just enough time to get Fall in.
I was talking to a Winter Over Mechanic at the BBQ on Sat. night and his quote was " Winter can't start soon enough. I want all of these vacationers out of my town!" And those of us leaving before winter can't agree more. We are ready for green.
I have more photos of ships, but that has been used allot lately here. So I dug up some older photos that I had forgoten to post. These are from out trips to Cape Evans. The hut is called the Terra Nova Hut and it was the base camp for Robert Scott's expidition to the South Pole. He and about 20 other men spent 1911 and 1912 at this hut doing science experiments and preparing for their trip to the Pole.
And as a historical note, Robert Scott's trip to the Pole was successful in that they did make it to the South Pole, however they were beaten by the Norwegian group lead by Roald Amundsen by just a few days to be the first people to set foot at the South Pole. And on the return journey from the Pole Scott and all of his men were lost. His last entry into his journal was on March 29th 1912.
As you can see from the photos the hut is almost exactly as they left it back in 1912. Since there is nothing to decay it, almost all of the food and wildlife is still intact. Yes that is a real penguin on the table, and it is a pile of seal bluber stacked up in the front hallway.
It is an amazing display of history and I am very glad to have been able to see it several times.

I was talking to a Winter Over Mechanic at the BBQ on Sat. night and his quote was " Winter can't start soon enough. I want all of these vacationers out of my town!" And those of us leaving before winter can't agree more. We are ready for green.
I have more photos of ships, but that has been used allot lately here. So I dug up some older photos that I had forgoten to post. These are from out trips to Cape Evans. The hut is called the Terra Nova Hut and it was the base camp for Robert Scott's expidition to the South Pole. He and about 20 other men spent 1911 and 1912 at this hut doing science experiments and preparing for their trip to the Pole.
And as a historical note, Robert Scott's trip to the Pole was successful in that they did make it to the South Pole, however they were beaten by the Norwegian group lead by Roald Amundsen by just a few days to be the first people to set foot at the South Pole. And on the return journey from the Pole Scott and all of his men were lost. His last entry into his journal was on March 29th 1912.
As you can see from the photos the hut is almost exactly as they left it back in 1912. Since there is nothing to decay it, almost all of the food and wildlife is still intact. Yes that is a real penguin on the table, and it is a pile of seal bluber stacked up in the front hallway.
It is an amazing display of history and I am very glad to have been able to see it several times.

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