A busy time in MacTown
Since we last talked allot has happened here in MacTown. On Tuesady we had 75 Navy Cargo Handlers arrive and invade the galley. They will be handling most of the ship offload duties. Also some people have already started heading out to the states and most of the winter over staff is here on station already. So we have lots of new faces, and some that we saw during WINFLY before last years winter people left.
Also the Nathaniel B. Palmer research vessel was in port for three days. We had a very nice tour of the ship, both the science area and the engine rooms. Today at noon the fuel vessel docked up to the ice pier and by 3pm they were offloading their 9 million gallons of fuel. This will take about 2 days to complete, and then they will take on 5 million gallons of sea water for ballast for the trip home. This will take another 1-1/2 days.
Right after that will be the cargo ship. They should be in port on Sunday sometime. We, as will most departments will be going to 12 hours shifts to support the offload. This will go on 24/7 until it is complete. Because of this I will have two days off this weekend, and Paula will get Sun. and Mon. of. So she will get to see the Super Bowl live and I will get to tape it and watch it later. And we don't get any comercials here so we won't see all of the high paid super bowl commercials.
And I will leave you with some good photos from our Sunday cruise.
13 days left.

Also the Nathaniel B. Palmer research vessel was in port for three days. We had a very nice tour of the ship, both the science area and the engine rooms. Today at noon the fuel vessel docked up to the ice pier and by 3pm they were offloading their 9 million gallons of fuel. This will take about 2 days to complete, and then they will take on 5 million gallons of sea water for ballast for the trip home. This will take another 1-1/2 days.
Right after that will be the cargo ship. They should be in port on Sunday sometime. We, as will most departments will be going to 12 hours shifts to support the offload. This will go on 24/7 until it is complete. Because of this I will have two days off this weekend, and Paula will get Sun. and Mon. of. So she will get to see the Super Bowl live and I will get to tape it and watch it later. And we don't get any comercials here so we won't see all of the high paid super bowl commercials.
And I will leave you with some good photos from our Sunday cruise.
13 days left.
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