Some C-130 Photos for Bill.

Opps, Sorry Bill there are Penguins in your airplane shots. These guys invaded "Ice Town" last week. And as always, when you hear that something newsworthy has happened, you check the public drive and there is always photos of it. So, as usual I stole these from someone who doesn't build transmissions for a living.
That is all. Enjoy.

I have become such a penguin fan
that I went out and bought a
penguin ornament for our tree.
Unlike Gary, I will not be waddling and sliding on my belly at work today. However, I will do so during happy hour after work. Luckily the bar will be occupied by Toronto Maple Leaf fans in town for the game against the Sabres tonight and a bunch of drunk Canadians won't really notice or care.
Gary, Someday I will learn how to use Photoshop and you will be a very sorry person.
FYI be on the lookout for my next entry. It will be later today. The photo will be worth printing and posting on the board at the frie hall!
I'm sorry you & Paula aren't here for the traditional Thanksgiving meal we just had of stuffed shells with cheescake for dessert! As you know, none of us really cares about eating turkey.
Dad is letting me use his new laptop which is much nicer than my antique computer at home.
rather than santa at the fire hall this year we can dress gary as a penguin.
think of the possabilitys, rather than giving the brats candy canes he could give them sardines,(alot cheaper and they won't eat as much)
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